As we select songs to include in our congregational collection, we have certain criteria that we use, taken from various scriptures, including Colossians 3:16.
It’s our belief that the time we spend together as the body of Christ singing his praises should be markedly different from any other musical experience in life because of what is taking place. We’re not watching a concert or a performance, we’re not listening to a few select people only…instead, we’re gathered as the bride of Christ to sing of and proclaim his excellencies, his wisdom and his love for us. With that end in mind, our philosophy of music ministry is shaped by the following distinctions.
As we join together each week to praise God through song, it is our prayer that through the songs we sing, you are pointed to the truth of God’s Word, reminded of the beauty of our King, and encouraged as you hear the family of God worshiping together with one voice.
We want our songs to be undeniably Christ-centered, Christ-exalting songs of praise and proclamation. When we gather as the bride of Christ, we select songs to sing that will turn our minds and affections towards the truths of the Gospel, the love of God made manifest in His Son, and the supremacy of Christ.
One of the joys we get to experience as Christians is the reality that we are a member of the body of Christ. When this body comes together to worship Jesus through song, each member serves one another by singing truth to God and to one another. As we hear our brothers and sisters in Christ singing praise, we’re encouraged and exhorted by the truth we’re singing and hearing.
God has given us a treasure in His Word, and what better way to praise Him than singing these truths to Him and to one another. As we sing, we should be singing truth in our hearts, truth that has been revealed to us in the Bible and illumined by the Spirit. When songs are selected, the lyrics are measured carefully to ensure they affirm the truth of the Bible and enable us to sing these truths accurately and easily.